Pinnacol Assurance Services
BBB Denver/Boulder Accredited Businesses receive an extensive and unmatched array of services at no additional cost from Pinnacol Assurance. Services range from educational seminars, safety programs, fraud prevention and detection to underwriting, claims management and legal services. Pinnacol Assurance’s multi-disciplined teams provide one-stop shopping for your workers’ compensation needs.
Pinnacol Assurance Technology
Pinnacol Assurance offers BBB Denver/Boulder Accredited Businesses top of the industry, web-based customer service tools. Save time by reporting claims over the web, or access claims and policy information by registering for Pinnacol’s Policyholder Portal.
Pinnacol Assurance Safety Group
By combining the premium of BBB Denver/Boulder Accredited Businesses, a larger premium base is established, allowing Pinnacol Assurance to reduce costs and return dividends to group plan members based on loss histories. By joining the group, each group plan member receives access to loss control resources and assistance in establishing safe working conditions. BBB Denver/Boulder Accredited Businesses then pay a premium based on their current individual record.
BBB Association Safety Group Plan Benefits
- BBB Association Group discount
- Eligibility for a group dividend
- Easy reporting of claims over the web, phone or fax
- Improved risk management and loss control
- Tools to create a safer work environment
- Individualized service from a Pinnacol Assurance customer-focused team
- Information and training to contain workers’ compensation costs
Call Us At: (720) 962-8700 To Sign Up Now!
There are no risks or potential for increased premiums. Participating group plan members retain their individual Pinnacol Assurance policyholder credit structure. If you are already with Pinnacol your policy number remains the same and renewal date.